We are drivers of circular economy since 2019.

We recover, transform and deliver the best environmental alternative for the plastics


Tons Processed per Year

Our products









Data sheet


Código TIPO Aplicaciones Color Índice de Fluidez Densidad Ficha técnica
1. RECYCLE PCR HDF3 GR HDPE Película soplada Gris ± 3.00 – ± 5.00 0.95 – 1.05 Ver
2. RECYCLE PCR HDF3 BL HDPE Película soplada Blanco ± 3.00 – ± 5.00 0.95 – 1.05 Ver
3. RECYCLE PCR HDF2 OT HDPE Película soplada Otros Colores ± 1.00 – ± 2.00 0.98 – 1.08 Ver
4. RECYCLE PCR HDT3 GR HDPE Mangueras corrugadas Gris ± 3.00 – ± 5.00 0.84 – 0.94 Ver
5. RECYCLE PCR HDI3 NE HDPE Bases para camas, piezas de espesores gruesos Negro ± 3.00 – ± 5.00 0.90 – 1.00 Ver
6. RECYCLE PCR LDF2 NA LDPE Película soplada Natural ± 2.00 0.90 – 0.95 Ver
7. RECYCLE PCR RN LDF2 NA LDPE Película soplada Natural ± 2.00 0.86 – 0.96 Ver
 RECYCLE PCR LDF2 NE LDPE Película soplada Negro ± 2.00 0.90 – 0.95 Ver
9. RECYCLE PCR LDF2 BL LDPE Película soplada para bolsas blancas tipo boutique, farmacias Blanco ± 2.00 0.90 – 0.95 Ver
10. RECYCLE PCR RN LDF2 OT LDPE Película soplada Otros Colores ± 2.01 0.80 – 0.93 Ver


Código TIPO Aplicaciones Color Índice de Fluidez Densidad Ficha técnica
11. RECYCLE PCR PHT6 OT HOMO Cabos, cintas y raffia Otros Colores ± 6.00 – ± 10.00 0.96 – 1.06 Ver
12. RECYCLE PCR PHI6 NE HOMO Zunchos, linea hogar, cajetines Negro ± 6.00 – ± 10.00 0,90 – 1,00 Ver
13. RECYCLE PCR RN PHI6 OT HOMO Zunchos, linea hogar, cajetines Otros Colores ± 6.00 – ± 10.00 0,90 – 1,00 Ver
14. RECYCLE PCR PCI6 NE COPO Envases, piezas eléctricas, productos eléctricos Negro ± 6.00 – ± 10.00 0,87 – 0.97 Ver
15. RECYCLE PCR RN PCI10 BL COPO Linea hogar, envases de alta capacidad Blanco ± 11.00 – ± 20.00 0,87 – 0.97 Ver
16. RECYCLE PCR PCI6 GR COPO Linea hogar, envases de alta capacidad Gris ± 6.00 – ± 10.00 0,96 – 1,06 Ver


Código TIPO Densidad Ficha técnica
1. RECYCLE PCR HDF3 GR HDPE 0.95 – 1.05 Ver ficha técnica
2. RECYCLE PCR HDF3 BL HDPE 0.95 – 1.05 Ver ficha técnica
3. RECYCLE PCR HDF2 OT HDPE 0.98 – 1.08 Ver ficha técnica
4. RECYCLE PCR HDT3 GR HDPE 0.84 – 0.94 Ver ficha técnica
5. RECYCLE PCR HDI3 NE HDPE 0.90 – 1.00 Ver ficha técnica
6. RECYCLE PCR LDF2 NA LDPE 0.90 – 0.95 Ver ficha técnica
7. RECYCLE PCR RN LDF2 NA LDPE 0.86 – 0.96 Ver ficha técnica
8. RECYCLE PCR LDF2 NE LDPE 0.90 – 0.95 Ver ficha técnica
9. RECYCLE PCR LDF2 BL LDPE 0.90 – 0.95 Ver ficha técnica
10. RECYCLE PCR RN LDF2 OT LDPE 0.80 – 0.93 Ver ficha técnica


Código TIPO Aplicaciones Ficha técnica
PHT6 OT HOMO Cabos, cintas y raffia Ver ficha técnica
PHI6 NE HOMO Zunchos, linea hogar, cajetines Ver ficha técnica
PHI6 OT HOMO Zunchos, linea hogar, cajetines Ver ficha técnica
PCI6 NE COPO Envases, piezas electricas, productos electricos Ver ficha técnica
PCI10 BL COPO Linea hogar, envases de alta capacidad Ver ficha técnica
PCI6 GR COPO Linea hogar, envases de alta capacidad Ver ficha técnica


We started the RECYCLE plant operations in 2019 seeking to offer to our industrial customers the only POST CONSUMER RECYCLED with ISO 9001: 2015 and ISO 15270 quality standards, which could replace the use of virgin raw materials in some applications with minimal quality variations but with constantly supply. With this vision, we have invested in technology and expert human capital to recover the greatest amount of plastic waste, convert it into added value for society and contribute to a better environment.


  • To reduce the cost of raw material
  • To improve the environment
  • To support Plastic Recycling
  • To improve the appreciation of people and government for recycled products
  • Certified Quality by NUTEC Plastometer
  • To eliminate the moisture in the recycled plastics resins
  • To have more processability
  • To extend the mechanical properties
  • To improve the impact strength
  • Too have better sealing

Our commitment in R&D



We started with MINGAS POR EL MAR an ambitious project with the main objective of recycling the ropes on the Ecuadorian coast, which represents 70-80% of the waste plastic material in the seas. The project is in progress and also included key stakeholders such as the SUBSECRETARIA DE RECURSOS PESQUEROS, MUNICIPALITIES and NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATIONS.


We created with a team of formal suppliers the Recycler’s Club, where we promote inclusive recycling with collection centers and the recyclers by formalizing their activities through our guideline on business management, tax and legal issues. Our partners have facilities to apply for a microcredit that allows them to have the capital for their business.


We have created with the shrimpers and suppliers of balanced feed the project Circular Shrimp, with the aim of recycling the plastic waste from those industries that today are not reused and burnt. This project seeks to recycle the largest amount of plastic waste from shrimp companies and contribute with the positive image of environmental care in the industry of the second national export product.